I think I just did something smart.
I just pulled my EK-XLC Predator 240 1.0 box out and made a Notepad document list all it's parts along with EKWB' Store link for each one.
I also uploaded it to One Drive.
I just need to contact EKWB about one thing, as I couldn't fiind it on their website.
What they call the tubing quick disconnect for if I add a video card down the road and want to use new tubing, fittings, etc and drain, flush and fill it all at the same time.

Thats the smart thing with them, to just add another using the quick connects, there is no need to drain, just add another block and radiator and you're good to go

I'm waiting on using the QDC down the road after a video card upgrade.
In a few month's after all my ssd's are purchased, I'm gonna order some spare parts for it, so I have them.
Pump, Clamps, Houses and thermal paste.
I heard back from them already. The only way they sell the QDC fitting is with the Predator itself.
I'll figure something along the way.
I already got a idea for it, too.
Down the road I may get the exact same 240mm. radiator and 4 more Vardar fans for it, pull out my lower case front fans and put the radiator there.

I'm in the process of another clean install. I don't know what happened yesterday, but Windows Backup too over 12 hours to finish a backup & system image. I restarted my pc after it finished and everything was messed up really bad.
I started the backup right when I woke up, so nothing was done ot, to mess anything up.
Bitdefender Internet Security 2017 ran a full scan while I was sleeping and found no threats.

Clean install & setup of everything is finally done. I would've been done it late Tuesday night, had I not pretty much slept all of Tuesday. I was only awake to get the Windows Updates, restart my pc, get the Witcher 3 :Wild Hunt G.O,T.Y. downloaded, take the dog's out, feed them, wash my clothes and eat.
GOG Galaxy automatically installed the Witcher 3 for me, so I just made sure it was set the way I want it and restarted my pc.
AMD announced the release date & pricing of the Ryzen R5 cpu's.
I think I'm gonna be getting the R5 1600X, it's only $250.00 and the same speed as the R7 1800X minus 2 cores & 4 threads.
That will probably be a Deceber/January purchase.
Go for my x-ray's and doctor's appointment this afternoon, so I'll find out how my ankle's doing.
I've accidentally lost my balance a few times and landed with my left foot on the ground. Hoping the screw's are all o.k. this time.

You need to stop this falling over lark. I may see how a 5 core performs by disabling 2 of my cores. Noticed I have bios settings for doing just that

Go for my x-ray's and doctor's appointment this afternoon, so I'll find out how my ankle's doing.
Good luck at the doc's Keith!

Yeah, I definitely need to keep from falling and landing standing on the left leg.
Good news is my x-rays came back good. The splint is gone and I'm using the boot again.
I go back in 2 weeks, I guess for a repeat x-ray & follow up.
This time around, I only have 2 exercises to do. Leg lift's, while lying down and bending my foot up & down..
I've been doing both since I got operated.
I must've seen them being ordered.
He added one medication today to prevent any infection's and gave it to me on the house.
That was good, as I'm down to change right now.
I just realized by misspelled words I typed here and needed to correct, that I need to eat something and go to sleep.

New pictures of right side of ankle. My ceiling light burned out, so I couldn't do the left side, as I can't stant to get the glass light cover off.
Picture 87.webp
Picture 88.webp
Picture 87.webp
Picture 88.webp

I couldn't get good one's as my lamp couldn't be moved closer and I had to re-wrap it back up.

Looks painful.

Actually, this time around I haven't had any pain since the day after the surgery. This time it's just basically a nuisance not being able to use it.
Who knows maybe I'll get lucky on the 30th and find out I can use it again.

Picture 89.webp
These should be a little bit easier to see. Top one is left side. I had to take and leave thw bandage off, as my legs severely dry and my doctor's office is giving me the runaround.
Picture 89.webp
Picture 90.webp
Picture 89.webp
Picture 90.webp
Picture 91.webp
Picture 89.webp
Picture 90.webp

It itches like crazy and I can't touch it.

I finally found a cream that works on my legs. The itching is gone.

I hate the itching, I get it with my legs and know how annoying and painful it be.

Hope it mends soon Keith.

Yeah, I do too. Thanks to my diabetes I get severe dry skin. Even hydro-cortisone cream makes it itch more. The only places it effects me so far are from just above my knees down and my hair area on my head.
I actually had the cream that works for over a year, as my barber recommended it for my hair.
Then the other day a nurse that came to change my bandage and leave me more bandages. I showed her it and she said it should work. I tried it and it does.
The even better part is I can get it for $1.00 whenever I need more at a dollar store next to my barber's. Everywhere else, it cost's $10-$12.
It's made by Dermisil Labs and called Dermisil Advanced Treatment..

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I could be getting a Ryzen 1700X & a MSI AM4 mobo through a giveaway Joker Productions is doing on YouTube. I follow his channel as he does some good hardware reviews.
JayzTwoCents on YouTube is the water-cooling king.
I'll find out by the end of April.
2nd place gets a MSI RX 480 4GB video card.
The above is 1st place.

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