My fun starts in a few more hours.
Go to the eye doctors for my yearly checkup.
They dialate my eye's so everything is blurry for about 4 hours.
Afterwards I have to go shopping. That's the fun part trying to actually see what I'm buying.
Unavoidable as I need batteries for my insulin pump.
The fun part is making sure I actually get AAA's instead of AA's.
The other stuff I need is bigger and no problem.
If I get the wrong batteries, I'm screwed.

Tomorrow's the easy day. Appointment with orthopedic surgeon and hopefully losing the walker and being able to ride my bike, etc. again.

Good news kemical. How you liking it ?

To be honest I absolutely love it. I prefer AMD systems anyway and almost all of my other builds have been AMD based.

In the past though the difference between AMD and Intel boards seemed quite a gulf in terms of quality, parts used (again quality) and general overall desireability.
This difference has now been equalised especially with Gigabyte which is the manufacturer i prefer to use.

Opening up the GA-AX370 seemed just as feature rich as my previous Z97X Intel board which I'm really pleased to see.

In terms of performance.. Love it. The 1700X feels a little like the 4790K but only a little. I only had to use it for a short while before noticing that general use seems quicker overall.
Benching wise, well being primarily a gamer i almost always use 3Dmark and after benching the 4790K for a while 16,500 approx was around the norm.
Ryzen hit 17,301 within a few benches (overclocked to 4GHz)... so I'm incredibly impressed as well as happy.

General use I keep the chip running at stock as it's simply fast enough. I can easily recommend this chip Keith as well as the motherboard. AMD shows us it doesn't have to be overly complicated to be fast and feature rich.

They dialate my eye's so everything is blurry for about 4 hours.
I had my retina reattached a few years ago and had to have this done on a regular basis... I used to hate it as basically your almost blind due to the blurriness. I hope it passes quick.. :)

To be honest I absolutely love it. I prefer AMD systems anyway and almost all of my other builds have been AMD based.

In the past though the difference between AMD and Intel boards seemed quite a gulf in terms of quality, parts used (again quality) and general overall desireability.
This difference has now been equalised especially with Gigabyte which is the manufacturer i prefer to use.

Opening up the GA-AX370 seemed just as feature rich as my previous Z97X Intel board which I'm really pleased to see.

In terms of performance.. Love it. The 1700X feels a little like the 4790K but only a little. I only had to use it for a short while before noticing that general use seems quicker overall.
Benching wise, well being primarily a gamer i almost always use 3Dmark and after benching the 4790K for a while 16,500 approx was around the norm.
Ryzen hit 17,301 within a few benches (overclocked to 4GHz)... so I'm incredibly impressed as well as happy.

General use I keep the chip running at stock as it's simply fast enough. I can easily recommend this chip Keith as well as the motherboard. AMD shows us it doesn't have to be overly complicated to be fast and feature rich.

What has amazed me was just how easy it was to get up and running. Only issues I've had are of my own making. Overclocking mainly. When I got this even the packaging amazed me. Never seen so many cables and free software items with a board before. Even the stock AMD fan is RGB and does a fine job even with a mild overclock. Not that I used it for long, just while waiting on my AM4 bracked for my AIO.

Yeah, this was my first Intel build and the only reason I did it was because I didn't want to do the same 990FX AMD build again.
As far as the eyes, numerous issues with them.
1st minor one, I never made my appointment today due to the buses running late after the holdiday.
That's resolved, I get .the checkup later Monday morning.
Real eye issues: Completely blind in right eye (can only see out of it to extreme far right) due to my diabetic retinopathys laser surgery being done on it too late.
Left eye's retina was ready to detach when the laser surgery for diabetic retinopathy was done on it.
Legally blind in left eye. I'd quess it's probably in the 20/500 range vision wise.

I used the morning to get Sebastian's shot's, registration and checkup out of the way 2 day's early. I was gonna do it Friday, but I figured my leg would be a bit sore from the walk, as it's the longest I've walked him so far. Then when they checked his temperature he jumped into my left leg.
Something told me to do it today. Now I know why as my leg get's x-rayed again tomorrow.
Now my left leg feels alright and my right knee is sore for some reason.

kemical: I am gonna do the Ryzen upgrade. I too, will probably leave it at stock speeds. The only thing I am gonna definitely do when I do the upgrade, is re-pull out my EK-XLC Predator 240 1.1 and put in my extra fans I got for push/pull on it. Then put it back in after the motherboard's in the case.
Then once that upgrade is done, I'll probably think about a 4K or better ips monitor and a video card upgrade.

kemical: Here's one for you to post: Asus has new uefi's available through this link only for the Skylake & Kabylake hyper-threading issue. Note: These are still in testing. Work's fine on my Maximus VIII Hero so far. Asus ROG Forum thread link for UEFI downloads. Only place to get them right now. Z170/Z270 ROG and ROG Strix UEFI updates for hyper-threading bug

Yet, more bad left leg and ankle news at surgeons. The infection's back again. This time it's inside my leg somewhere. My skin is still sore, but it's not red like it was last time.
My 2 leg bones aren't growing back apparently.
I had a good look at my x-rays before my surgeon came in the room. I have 25 screws in my leg and ankle.

Was no point asking about the medical marijuana for the now quite active leg pain.
I just heard yesterday in Florida you can get it, but you can't really use it. A bunch of lawyer's are suing Florida over that.
So far the Bactrim they gave me hasn't appeared to do anything yet.

3DMark scores dropped with Crimson ReLive 17.1.2 drivers that were released yesterday.
All done at 2560x1080
FireStrike Extreme:6060

Timespy 4724
Firestrike 12024 ( this is down 800 odd points)
Firestrike Extreme 6036 (down around 200 points)

Also done at 2560x1080@75hz

Games though feel as smooth as ever so I'll live with this. CPU stock and GPU stock clocks which are 1342c/2000mem

Yeah, I can live with it.
My scores should increase in September when I put both the new ssd's in thanks to Magician's Rapid Mode.
The better part of my games and 3DMark are on my Intel 530 480GB. ssd, so no rapid mode for it.

My OS is on a 960 Evo M.2 Nvme. Most of my games and software are on a 3tb HDD.

Just as a note, 3DMark is best run just after a reboot and ideally ran three times.

Yet, more bad left leg and ankle news at surgeons. The infection's back again. This time it's inside my leg somewhere. My skin is still sore, but it's not red like it was last time.
My 2 leg bones aren't growing back apparently.
I had a good look at my x-rays before my surgeon came in the room. I have 25 screws in my leg and ankle.
I hope they get a hold of this..

10's on my 850 EVO 500GB m.2.
The only games on it are the ones that don't work right being moved off of it with GameSaveManager's Steam Spreader.
Once I do the 2 1TB ssd installs I should be good on space for a few years.
A lot of my Steam games aren't installed now due to the space.I have now.
I figure I'll gain at least 850GB's in space over what I have now to play with.

Buggy Security certificates were issued in July's Patch Tuesday IE & Edge update.
