If the new W7 official, is 7000.. the ones who is runing the leak.. is going to be the same thing? or there would be "new stuff"?
I have a guide on how to get the key, though you'll have to wait quite a while (a few hours) to get your key: Windows 7 Mag » Blog Archive » Got your Windows 7 download, and want some keys?
how do you create an iso file from the windows 7 beta that I have downloaded?
I have image burn , but there does not seem to be an iso image in the download , please help an idiot
Update guys!!
This link is working perfectly right now, I just went to both links 6 times and each time I got a key.. so get em now while there up!
OMG... Thanks so much! I don't have the download but I just got 2 keys FOR THE GERMAN ONE... Wohoooo...
Question: At the german site there is a button that I should click on to start the download. But when I klick on it nothing happens! How's it with you guys and the english site? COuld it maybe be because I'm using firefox?