dump files

  1. A

    Windows 7 Random BSOD - difficult to debug as will not create dump files

    Hi, I wonder if anyone can assist with a Random BSOD issue I am having - The last BSOD seen was at around 10:00 this morning (may have been earlier as the machine was found with a blue screen...), the problem I have at the moment is that the PC is not creating dump files - I have checked the...
  2. A

    Windows 7 PFN_LIST_CORRUPT bsod from ntoskrnl.exe

    Hello, I have been having non-repeatable bsods happening at unpredictable times with no real pattern between them. Attached rar file with dumps and stuff. specs: intel i7 3770 3.4ghz CPU 2*4gig Corsair DDR3 1600MHz Vengance Memory Gigabyte technology GA-Z77-D3H motherboard CX600 Corsair PSU...
  3. Hamid Khan

    Windows 7 BSOD due to photon plus

    hello guys, i am facing this problem of bsod and the laptop restarts whenever i connect to photon plus (or i think so) the laptop restarts i have an acer aspire one AOD257 (win 7 starter). bsod doesn't appear until i connect tata photon plus the error it shows is worker returned bad...
  4. X

    Windows 7 bsod no clue

    Hi to all newb here hope im posting this right well iv had t 2 bsod this month i dl blue screen and i got this pleaae help 112412-23712-01.dmp 11/24/2012 3:46:11 PM MEMORY_MANAGEMENT 0x0000001a 00000000`00000403 fffff680`00037858 98d00002`25a7b867 fffff6fc`806298ba ntoskrnl.exe...
  5. D

    Windows Vista [BSOD] BC code: 16 GeForce 7300

    Hello, I'm experiencing a BSOD on a vista machine which seems to be pointing at a graphics card driver problem, BC code: 16 I'm trying to ascertain whether or not a new graphics card would fix the problem. I'm concerned that there is an additional cause in the system's software, possibly virus...
  6. L

    Windows 7 BSOD Crash Dump help

    Hi everyone, new member here. I've been having some major issues with my AMD display driver which causes my display to be very unstable and BSODs quite often. Any help would be awesome! Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving! Link Removed note: I have several dump files if needed. I'm positive it's...
  7. ZMiDZ

    Windows 7 BSOD BCCode 124

    Hello, A laptop of mine recently had a BSOD and I was wondering if there is someone who can analyze the error and dump files so I can pinpoint the cause. Problem signature: Problem Event Name: BlueScreen OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1033 Additional information...
  8. D

    Windows 7 clsoing the screen on laptop = BSOD!

    Hi, seems that my laptop has an issue when i shut the screen or it goes into hibernation. Any help based on the attached dump files would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. davearb
  9. D

    Windows 7 Multiple BSod with new computer

    Hi, Ive got a new computer and since the launch i get multiple BSoD first only when launching games now its even when i am in desktop doing nothing. Here is my spec and dump files. Core I5 2320 3.0GHz LGA1155 BOX Radeon HD 7850 OC 2GB 11200-14-20G Agility4 Series 128GB SATA3 2.5'' XFX Core...
  10. A

    Windows 7 recurring problem - please help

    hi, i have been having BSOD recently. It started about 1-2 weeks after i updated the driver for the NVIDIA graphic card, and installed FIFA 13. Thats the latest major installation i can think of. I started getting crashes and blue screens, when watching a video, online or on VLC, and while...
  11. B

    Windows 7 Getting alot of memory management BSOD

    heyall, i need some help on this bsod issue, im getting them atleast 3 to 5 times a day now and it is starting to get really frustrating, so i hope i can get some help here :) when does the bsod happen: most of the times it is when i'm browsing the internet, or when im gaming, sometimes it even...
  12. T

    Windows 7 BSOD on Windows 7 - both in normal and safe mode

    Hi, I hope that I am posting in the correct forum - please forgive me if I am not and/or redirect me to the correct area. I have a DELL system running Windows 7 Home. It has been running smoothly for the past 3 years and now all of a sudden, I began getting the BSOD. I have run Memtest on...
  13. A

    Windows 7 BSOD Minidump - attached .dmp files

    Hello, I have recently had several events with my computer crashing and giving me a blue screen indicating that it is experiencing a "mini crash dump" and then restarting itself. A couple of times it has not given me the blue screen and has just gone to a black screen and stayed there making...
  14. J

    Windows 7 BSOD while browsing, watching vidoes or gaming

    Hi Ran the W7F diagnostic tool as admin and it wouldn't create anything on my desktop so have attached dump files/cpu-z/RAMMON Has always BSOD occasionally but has become much more frequent, every 15mins when playing X-COM. Appears to be mostly 101 clock error The processor was...
  15. Z

    Windows 7 BSOD for past week. Please help newbie.

    The error code on blue screen when it first comes up is IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL. Basic info about PC: Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit, Dell Inspiron 545S, Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E7500 @2.93 Ghz, Installed Memory 6 GB Can boot in Safe mode only. Gets to desktop and afetr about 30 seconds, shuts down...
  16. AttorneyGeneral

    Windows 7 Sudden and Unexpected Blue Screen of Death, here are the dump and system files

    I built this system early 2011, Ive been using it for well over a year with 0 issues, I stay up to date on all my drivers, graphics, BIOS, and others... I was watching a movie on NetFlix through Firefox last night then my screen started to artifact and boom, BSOD! My temperatures are all low and...
  17. K

    Windows 7 Can someone help to read and help me understanding my bugcheck

    I got windows 7 x32 bits all updates, I have receive issues about BSOD, I had seen some dumps files, but honestly I don't know how read them and understand the meaning. Can some one help? but the file is 150MB. What I got in the small screen is this: BCCode:1a BCP1: 00000031 BCP2: 86B1F248...
  18. T

    Windows 7 Constant bsods every day

    So I get a lot of bsods daily at random times... I think probably because of my graphics card, here's mini dump files here's the photo I make with my telephone after getting bsod Link Removed due to 404 Error
  19. B

    Windows 7 Frequent BSOD

    Every Time I either try and play an online video game or just browse the internet in normal mode. I receive a bsod upon either start up of the program or shortly afterwards. I have recently wiped my hard-drive, I've installed a new GPU and PCU. I've posted a zipped file with my dumps inside...
  20. R

    Windows 7 Random BSODs caused by ntkrnlpa.exe and win32k.sys

    I filled out my system specs and am including the requested files as instructed (includes dump files). Since last week, I have gotten a few BSODs. All but one (0x1000008e KERNEL_MODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED) were 0x000000c2 BAD_POOL_CALLER. Both types were apparently caused by Windows system files...