
  1. B

    Windows 7 Lenovo Laptop Will Not Boot

    Lenovo laptop with Windows 7 OS. The laptop shut down while plugged in overnight. I have removed the battery and let it sit for hours to cool/reset. Upon power up, the hard drive light comes on for 2-3 seconds, then goes off. Sometimes the screen flickers white for another 2-3 seconds, but...
  2. S

    Windows 7 1/3 BSOD, 1/3 freezing +- speaker buzzing, 1/3 random reset

    Hi everyone, This is literally driving me insane and I'm in big need of help. I've had a problem where my computer will do one of the above ^ (title) over and over and over. My computer will also fail to restart (e.g. hang at the 'welcome to windows screen, and sometimes when it does restart...
  3. MarioMaster1337

    Windows 7 Block Password Reset Discs

    Okay, so my brother keeps using a Password Reset/Recovery disc to get on my Windows 7 account, and I want the disc to not work on my computer, is there a program that I can download for free that will block the use of a Password Reset or Recovery disc? Thanks.
  4. H

    Windows 7 Windows won't install hangs at starting windows logo...Please Help!

    Okay so I may have buggered something up royally, but I took the CPU out of my mom's computer. Ended up dusting it out, because it was overheating. I wanted to try the phenom out in my board so I swapped them out. It is an HP pavilion a6755y se. I put an Athlon x2 in it and it wouldn't post. I...
  5. News

    How to reset Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

    Explains how to use the NetShell utility to restore the TCP/IP stack to its original state that existed when the operating system was installed. More...
  6. N

    Windows 7 Windows Update Failed and Nuked Internet Connection (IP address still getting assigned)

    I was applying the some updates to Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit and the update process failed. I shut down the computer and when it rebooted, the computer reported my Internet connection was down. My computer is still getting an IP address and DNS settings from the router. I can ping but...
  7. S

    Windows 7 Phantom mouse clicks

    I'm having a problem with my mouse. Lately it seems that a left click will register twice when I press the button once. Sometimes it will just do it as a one of, sometimes it will keep doing it with every click for a while. I've noticed no pattern in when this does or does not happen. Mostly I...
  8. azakd

    Windows 7 Wireless connection snafu.

    Hello all, new to the forum. I've had this problem for about a week now with little improvement. Here's the deal: About three weeks ago my roommates upgraded from DSL to cable internet. There's four laptops and about four smart phones on the network. There is a wireless router, a Linksys WRT160n...
  9. E

    Windows 7 Win7 SP1 - No IP4

    The computer is a year old, it’s running Win7 SP1 64bit and the connection to the internet has always worked until now. For the last few days I’ve been unable to connect. On going into change adaptor settings I find that the properties tab for Internet Protocol Version 4 is greyed out. IP6...
  10. T

    Windows 7 IP protocol 'disappeared'

    I am trying to fix a Samsung laptop for a friend. She admits to having 'fiddled' with the networking applets in Control Panel with the result that neither LAN nor Wi-fi functions any more. I have noticed that I am unable to use the GUI to access IPv4 Properties because the button is greyed out...
  11. D

    Windows 7 Dumb Infrastructure Question

    Hi all. I'm new here but thought this would be the place to find the answer. When I open Network Map I can see everything just fine. The problem is that now suddenly my router is not identified. The "gateway" icon is there and when I hover over it I get the IP address and so on...but that's...
  12. P

    Windows 7 USB not recognized

    Whenever I use one of my USB ports, afterwards I get an error that lasts all the time that says USB device not recognized. I have gotten rid of it before with the help of techs, but then when I go back and use it again, that error pops up. The usb ports work, I use it to download pictures and...
  13. R

    Windows 7 resetting a user profile

    this is a learning center. The user profile starts out as default at the beginning class session. After the last class session, I want to reset it to default for the next class. what users\profile\folders need to be saved and restored to insure per user app & system configurations are...
  14. News

    Windows 8 Windows 8 To Include Built-in Reset, Refresh

    MrSeb writes "Microsoft, in its infinite wisdom, will provide push-button Reset and Refresh in Windows 8. Reset will restore a Windows 8 PC to its stock, fresh-from-the-factory state; Refresh will reinstall Windows 8, but keep your documents and installed Metro apps in tact. For the power users...
  15. D

    Windows 7 wifi connected, but no internet connection

    Hello all, I found similar topics but not solution for mine, please help. I connect to my home wifi and it says connected, but there is no internet connection. I noticed that network adapter shows "wireless network connection 2" with that "2" at the end of name. I guess there is a problem. If I...
  16. J

    Windows 7 Enabe WLAN?

    Can anyone tell me how to re-enable my WLAN? I had to reset the router.. thanks
  17. flyfire2002

    Windows 7 ADSL IPv4 and IPv6 not connected

    Alright, firstly, please forgive my poor English. I'll try my best to explain all the issues clearly. Link Removed from very above downto the third line are: IPv4 connection : not connected (Not OK, it wasn't like that) IPv6 connection : not connected (No public IPv6 connection in China, this...
  18. 4

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Log In

    My cousin has a small problem. She tried to change her password on her Windows 7 laptop, but it kept saying the passwords didn't match. Now when she tries to log in, it says the password is wrong. Is there any way of resetting her password, without formatting the whole PC. Now we've tried her...
  19. GeekTech

    Windows 7 HELP!: My Laptop that is now 1 year old after reset will not install windows 7

    Hi guys. Well yesterday i needed to reset my Acer laptop and now when it says "Setup is loading services" i will get an error message saying "Windows could not continue the installation. To Install windows on this computer. Restart the installation" Windows 7 Was built into the laptop and i...