I've seen a lot of them, especially about Newegg.
They were trying to get me to contact Asus and have them deal with it, instead of honoring my 30 day's to return it for a replacement.
I wasn't about to spend another $20.00 on UPS shipping it to Asus.
As, I have to take it to Staple's for it to go back.
I couldn't ride my mountain bike with the motherboard, so I couldn't go to the post office with it. That plus, I wouldn't do it with my bike, if it would've fit in my backpack, as there aren't sidewalks everywhere in my town and the streets in my development are really narrow. Narrow enough, to where you can't park a car on the street in front of your house, if you do the streets can only fit one car going down them and most cars do 40-60 on my street, as it's the developments main road.
This development was probably built in the 50's or early 60's.
I couldn't use the bus for it either, as the only post office it goes to, is in a bad area.