access issues

  1. Windows 7 How to restore my Windows 7 Laptop to Factory settings ?

    Hi, My Dell laptop has been misbehaving for a while so I decided the only solution was to do a fresh install. Normally I would nuke it, download the iso from Microsoft and re-install. It seems however that MS have pulled the plug on the downloads for OEM windows 7, but I do still have my...
  2. The request is not supported - Network Share - Windows 2008 R2

    Hi guys I'm trying to access a network share from a Windows Server 2008 R2 and I'm receiving the follow error: If I put the complete UNC, I can access the share: Now, if I up one level, I can see other shares: Anyone have any idea why I'm receiving this error?
  3. R

    Windows 10 win10 is requiring network pw to access win 7 files

    mac, win 10 pc and win 7 pc are networked (home network - WORKGROUP). whenever i try to access the win 7 files from win 10, it ask for a network credentials pw. the mac, win 10, and win 7 computers all have the same login pw. other than that i have never assigned any other pw to either of...
  4. E

    Crash Nsf Files

    My Thinkpad crashed and luckily I had backed up 2 days before using Rescue and Recovery. All my files have been retrieved including the Lotus Notes archives etc....except for my contacts (address book) which are a file called names.nsf. I can go into R&R and when I retrieve an individual file, I...
  5. P

    Windows 7 DVD RW laser address location eratic

    Hi Okay so if my heading isn't clear, what my DVD drive is doing is it's managing to read the disk but is really noisy and slow. It sounds like the laser is moving back and forth constantly (as if two or more programs were trying to access different parts of the disk at the same time but it...
  6. N

    Windows 7 Can't access the shared folder and this is urgent

    Hi, there right now i am in the middle of server management. I am using server 2003 right now and I have two OU's in the server (student and staff) and i have created a group policy for both OU's for sharing files. I have created two folders(student and staff) which is shared for each one. The...
  7. B

    Windows 7 FTP access intermittent

    A shortcut is mapped to an FTP server, and shows up in W7 File Explorer. It works on occasion, but more often throws a paths/permissions error. When that occurs the site isn't available via a browser either. Have seen it do the same in W8.1 as well, but rarely. The SC has been deleted and...
  8. Windows 7 Windows Installer Service Fails to Start Error 193:0xc1

    Recently whenever I try to uninstall/install anything on my computer it says "The windows installer service could not be accessed this can occur if the windows installer is not correctly installed". I looked up how to sole this and a few things said to run services.msc and start it there. When I...
  9. B

    Windows 7 Computer slow to access "new" or rarely-used sites

    I have a fibre-based internet connexion and enjoy fast download speeds. Once internet pages have been accessed, pages download virtually instantly. The problem comes with gaining access to pages. If sites have not been used for a long time or ever before, browsers (generally Firefox)...
  10. Windows 10 Ver. 10130, Apps from all apps list only open if I click "Open as Administrator?

    Hi I'm going to take these issues on one at a time as I come to them. The first is that I found that none of my programs open from the all apps list unless I right click on them and select "Open as Administrator"? I only have one account on my computer, it's my Microsoft account and it's set...
  11. Windows 7 Regedit won't run. Stuck with this for a couple of days now. Please Help.

    Just to be clear, it's not one of those usual things. I got Win 7 Home Premium. CMD, Task Manager, all exe files and GPEdit works fine. Everything works fine actually - exept regedit just does not respond. I have Nod32 and my PC is virus / malware free. All I want is just access to registry...
  12. Windows 10 Startup problem

    I booted into safe mode and it is not functioning. So I can't get to msconfig to uncheck safe mode boot. Is there a way to access the advanced boot menu before booting into Windows? Used to be F8 but doesn't seem to work in windows 10. Help please
  13. Windows 8 Guest Mode Problem

    So, Hi :) Few days ago my friend came and wanted to remove the password to the windows login screen, suddenly the computer became to "GUEST MODE" on the User Accounts in Control Panel, and I can't do anything, Installing Programms , Delete Programms , Or just to enter to simple settings, I tried...
  14. Windows 7 Login script not working

    I know this should probably go in the networking subforum but it's kinda deserted and I need an answer fast. I have a 2012 R2 server (alone) and a Win 7 station. My login script is very simple, it's only a few net use commands (net use :G /delete - net use :G \\Server\Folder). But right now...
  15. Windows 7 Can´t access folders located in one of my computers from the others

    I have a network consisting of three machines. All of them have Windows 7 Ultimate, One of them is a 32 bits Desktop PC, the others are two 64 bits laptops. I installed all three machines using the same configuration other than the Windows 7 x64 and x32 settings. I'll name them PC, laptop 1 and...
  16. R

    Windows 8 8.1 and XP in same Workgroup

    Alrighty, I have an 8.1 that refuses to see the XP connected to the same workgroup. The XP can see the 8.1 but requires a username and psw, though I have no idea what those could be. There is also a windows 7 involved but it's having no issues seeing anything. The 8.1 is being stubborn. I've...
  17. D

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Home edition update problems

    I bought my wife an Ex-display HP G62 laptop from Tesco direct 2 years ago, she has began to complain that it is running really slow. I've checked and it shows that there are updates for windows, however it will not even open windows update program. I have a feeling that Tesco probably set up a...
  18. T

    Windows 8 Reconnect shared folder and shared printers

    Hi, I have 2 computer linked together by a HUAWEI E5776. One connected with USB One connected with WIFI The computer connected with WIFI is sharing one folder and one printer. If I log on on the computer in USB - that wants to connect to the shared folders - before the other computer - that...
  19. Users cannot access removable devices after you enable and then disable a Group Policy setting...

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  20. "RPC Server Unavailable" error when you set up a password and then click Next in Bitlocker To...

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