The Intel stuff on this board is going to take a while for me to get used to. I'm still used to the AMD stuff and Realtek LAN.
Now, that I figure out the Sonic Studio stuff with this board, I'm loving the sound enhancements compared to my previous pc's. The Sonic Studio 2 has equalizer settings for any type of music, videos or games. It even has a reverb setting in the equalizer. It's truly unreal how much more power my speakers have now.
I still have to learn some of the Intel LAN stuff. In some stuff my speeds are slower than they should be. In web browsers my speed is fine
On I get between 106.**-115.** mbps download speeds and 10.**-11.** upload speeds. In Steam, Uplay and Origin the speeds are in the 12.**-13.** mbps, though.
They weren't sslow on my old pc with the Realtek LAN, so it must be the Intel LAN,
The Intel LAN doesn't work outside of WWindows either. The Realtek LAN does.
I've got gpedit.msc tweaked to not throttle the network speed down, so that isn't it
On this pc, when I installed Windows, I couldn't login to my Microsoft account, until I had the chipset and LAN drivers installed.
I'll have to do a search on how to tweak the Intel LAN adaptor in Device Manager.