Well, the way I see it, it can't get any worse. The only exception would be if the screws come out a second time. If that happened everything would change.
From everything I've ever heard, you can't have the same surgery a third time, as there's nowhere left to stitch up due to scar tissue.
If it were to happen again, I'd have to tell them to just take my ankle & foot off.
That one I'd worry about later if needed, but I know myself and I'd adapt to it.
I actually bit my tongue today, because I came close to telling them to just do that.
As last month, that's kind of what I was expecting to hear.
I'm just glad, I don't let medical stuff bother me. I just roll with the punches.
They didn't say either way, but I'm assuming I'll be in the hospital from Tuesday until Friday or Saturday. Tomorrow, I just need to call my endocrinologist, so he knows what's going on and knows I'll more than likely be in the hospital, so he can manage my diabetes, while I'm in there, unlike last month, when they never notified him.