Got my ankle brace from Amazon Monday.
Surprised it came Monday considering I ordered it Friday and did the normal shipping.
It's still too soon to get my foot in my new tennis shoe's or walk the dog's.
I tried both Monday afternoon.
I didn't want to force my foot into the shoe, so I'm using the brace with my boot.
Walking felt o.k. on Monday with it.
From Tuesday on something doesn't feel right.
It's like my leg want's to go to the left, instead of straight while walking.
For the dog walking test Monday afternoon, I did it on the backyard grass.
I did that with Bo, as Sebastian wanted to head for the street as he saw his leash in my hand and is accustomed to walking on the side of our street (no sidewalk on our street).
Plus, our landlord was outback of his yard and Sebastain wanted to play.
Bo moved to the left for a second and my leg felt awkward, so I immediately unleashed him and ended the test.
I have to go t the hospital laboratory tomorrow, Thursday or Friday to pick up some 24-hour urine test containers for my kidney checkup in 2 week's.
The take back to the laboratory has to be done next Wednesday, as I have other doctor's appointment's next Monday and Friday.
I've been giving my leg a day's break in between longer walk's.