That does not sound like fun at all... Sorry to hear that Keith..

Finally downloading my Steam games. I'm only gonna get and install a few at a time. They'll easilt take a few days. I'm downloading #6 of the first 12.
After they're all downloaded, I'll installe them one by one restart my pc, run Windows Update and configure each game.
I'll still have 19 or 20 left to get.

I just install what I need. You'll have way less trouble with Windows if you only install the couple of games you're playing at the moment.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

Somebody on Ten Forums had a post asking if anyone could post Samsung Magician result's for a Samsung 850 EVO, as his wouldn't run on them.
He had 6 Samsung ssd's - that's probably why I'm thinking.
I posted 2 of mine that I just ran on my pc.
Note: Magician's Rapid Mode & Asus's RAMCache are both running on my m.2 850 EVO.

That was while Steam was downloading in the background.

I only install the one's that work at 2560x1080 and that I'll probably play.
That way when I want to play them, I don't need to wait for them to download, etc.
I've already run all of them in the past in 10, so I don't worry about issues much.
Plus I have room to spare on both ssd's.
I don't see that changing anytime soon. Maybe 2+ years.

WOW this is a long thread lol. Some interesting posts.

Yeah, it sure is.
As I was reading your email and getting ready to reply here I also got a email from GameSessions notifying of another free game.
Strike Suit Zero is free until 10/04/2017.
Just download it, install it and play it for 5 minutes and it's free for life.
GameSessions link to get it: Play the hit PC game Strike Suit Zero for free
You'll need to create a GameSessions account first just like Steam, etc.

Huh never heard of that game. I'll check it out. I'm just sitting here spending the day scanning stuff so might as well lol.

Finally downloading my Steam games. I'm only gonna get and install a few at a time. They'll easilt take a few days. I'm downloading #6 of the first 12.
After they're all downloaded, I'll installe them one by one restart my pc, run Windows Update and configure each game.
I'll still have 19 or 20 left to get.
Will all these be on the C drive? If I ain't playing it then it's not on the machine. I have perhaps two to three games installed at any one time and as soon as I'm finished with one I'll remove it. Same goes with those apps Keith, if you keep a lighter footprint your machine will run faster as we've discussed previously.

No, actually the majority are on my 2nd ssd.

Only 9 Steam games left now to get.

3 games left and they're taking forever.
Had internet problems earlier thanks to one of my roommates being a Wi-Fi hog. Like he & his girlfriend need more than 1 or 2 devices on the internet at one time.
That's o.k., though.
I'm going back to what I previously had next week.
Sick of this slow as molasses AT&T internet.

It's looking like Rise of the Tomb Raider, WWE 2K17 and all their dlc won't be done until tomorrow some time.
Then all I'll have left to download are my 4 Zinio account's magazines. Just the one's I still will read at certain times.
Then I'll do a System image with Macrium Reflect, followed by a backup with Windows 10's Windows 7 backup.
I like it better than File History, as in the past I had issues with it backing up Video folder, but not the videos in the folder.
That and it's option's stink compared to Windows 7 & prior Windows Backup versions scheduling wise.
Nothing better than every day in File History and it misses stuff and re-back's everything up, wasting space.

It's looking like Rise of the Tomb Raider, WWE 2K17 and all their dlc won't be done until tomorrow some time.
Then all I'll have left to download are my 4 Zinio account's magazines. Just the one's I still will read at certain times.
Then I'll do a System image with Macrium Reflect, followed by a backup with Windows 10's Windows 7 backup.
I like it better than File History, as in the past I had issues with it backing up Video folder, but not the videos in the folder.
That and it's option's stink compared to Windows 7 & prior Windows Backup versions scheduling wise.
Nothing better than every day in File History and it misses stuff and re-back's everything up, wasting space.
I use Zinio for my fortean times. Good little app

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

I got sidetracked last night and fell asleep watching WWE No Mercy in the WWE Network app.
I was down to just WWE 2K17 on Steam and I closed it to watch the show.
I didn't wake up until 4:30 A.M. and re-watched the rest of the show from where I fell asleep.
Now I have Steam downloading WWE @K17 and the games will be done.
Zinio will be done probably tonight sometime.

O.K., now I'm getting close to being done.
Games are all done & backed up w/GameSave Manager.
Finally removed the old AMD Crimson Relive 17.9.1 driver and installed the Crimson Relive 17.9.2 driver that was released and downloaded Friday.
Re-calibrated my monitor.
Now time to get Zinio done, then a system image and full backup.

I finished everything a lot sooner than I planned.
Zino magazines: Done
System image: Done
Full Backup: Done as of 5 minutes ago.
Now time to have fun with it again.

Windows 10 just got a new cumulative update today.

**JOKE** Great news, I just found out my infusion set's for my insulin pump have been recalled and it's gonna take them weeks to replace them.
Hospital stay due to this probably by tomorrow afternoon.
