I've had a screwed up week this week from Wednesday and it's gonna continue until sometime until 1 1/2 weeks.
I upgraded both my ssd's Wednesday to 2 1TB Samsung 850 EVO's as I needed more space.
I keep my older games on the 2nd ssd.
I made a mistake and before I pulled the old 2 ssd's out.
I needed to disable 2-step authentication on my Microsoft Account, as my cellphone stopped working in April and my magicJACK won't work until I install it's driver after Windows is at the desktop.
I was in a rush and I forgot to do that, so Microsoft wouldn't let me into my email.
Gmail can send a verification to my Outlook Mail, if my magicJack isn't available.
I also, couldn't reactivate RoboForm Everywhere, as it's sends a code I need to Outlook Mail, so I couldn't remember 98% of my passwords.
I got around it, but Friday after I renew my magicJACK, I'll need to clean install everything a 2nd. time.
I restored a system image from my old ssd's from Tuesday and got back into Outlook Mail and got RoboForm Everywhere working.
Problem is my Samsung 850 EVO that Windows and my programs are on now shows up as my old ssd's size. 500GB's. instead of 1TB. with no way to fix it.
The 2nd clean install must be done starting sometime Friday.
This time I'm disabling 2-step authentication until I can get my Microsoft Account & Google Account's email's working first.
Then, I'll re-enable it for both accounts.