I'm glad, too.
Sunday night got a tab bit funny at one point.
I tried to take Sebastian out front when the winds started to come. They weren't getting bad yet and I knew he needed to go. The wind was mybe 35 m.p.h. He wouldn't move his front legs once I opened the front door and walked outside, but his rear legs were moving like he needed to go.
I decided o.k., I'll take him out the back door that's basically protected from the wind.
I'll explain that in a sentence or two.
I decided as that area is a little wider as there's kind of a big extended length sidewalk and that he could just go on that part away from thhe door. No dice, he was literally glued to my leg, so we went back inside.
The back side's of the house has sliding glass doors on one side with just a sidewalk covering the sliding glass door area.
The other side has about a 8' x 4' sode walk. ^' of that is fenced in and 2 of my landlord's car dealership were preventing are flow through the fenced in part.
I guess he sensed the hurricane and stayed glued to me in bed all night.
That was probably at 8 P.M., as it was a few minutes after the electric went off at 7:50-7:55 P.M.
The wind actually picked up a little around 11 P.M., but at 3:30 A.M. it sounded the worst out of the hole time.It kind of sounded like footsteps on the roof then. That must of been tree branches hitting it and the roof tiles falling off.
The only real famage other thhan the roof tiles coming off was a front yard tree with 3 branches bending from the wind onto the ground.
I was gonna saw them off, but my landlord said don't bother, his son's gonna use his chainsaw on it Saturday.
Overall the worst part was the almost 4 day's without electric and basically nothing to do other than clean up some of the storm mess outside.
That & Wednesday to Thursday were kind of hot compared to Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.
I ran out of shirt's between wearing them and using them for wiping off sweaqt all day & night.
rest was kind of like camping. Roughing it.
My twi roommates were definitely more affected. Neither of them can cope without a.c. or electric.
Glad I camped all the time when I was a little kid.
The only 2 thing's that happened to me back during those camping trip's was: A: At 3 yrs. old, I stepped in about a 1,000 fire ant swarm while walking in the woods to go. B: At 4 almost stepping on a dead snake, that my father assumed was alive and ready to bite me. He saw it just before I almost stepped on it. He told me to keep my leg in the air and he grabbed a long stick and pushed it away from me.
That's probably why I'm petrified of snake's still.